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I am so glad you are here. Every difficult circumstance brings with it the opportunity to reclaim your inner power. And that requires some self-discovery or as I like to call it, soul searching. It takes great courage to embark on the journey of self-discovery. Whether you are dealing with challenges in your career, relationships or health, I am here to support you. Book an initial consultation so we can create a personalized plan that is perfect for you. I look forward to meeting you!

My Story

I am a Certified Pranic Healer and Life Coach. I have been practicing Pranic Healing for over 7 years. As an engineer by education and a corporate professional, I was in awe at the simplicity and effectiveness of Pranic Healing techniques. Having witnessed many miracles with Pranic Healing clients, including healing of cancer, first degree burns, multiple sclerosis, blood clots and miraculous COVID recoveries, I have dedicated her time and energy in service of the Pranic Healing Mission, working with Master Glenn Mendoza and Master Marilag Mendoza with the Center for Pranic Healing East Coast.




What is Pranic Healing?


Prana means ‘life’ and ‘breath’ in Sanskrit or ‘life force’.  Prana means to balance, harmonize and transform the body’s energy processes. Pranic Healing is an ancient no-touch, holistic therapy that balances, harmonises and heals the body’s energy. 


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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