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Book an Appointment

Appointments can be made in packages or individually

Relationship Healing

Whether you are having relationship issues with your boss, colleagues, spouse, a loved one or your neighbor, these relationship healing sessions can help bring harmony, love and peace into the situation. Most importantly empowering you to deal with the situation better

Crystal Spa Session

Experience the power of crystal spa healing to feel blissful, refreshed and recharged. Offered in person only. 

Financial Healing

Having money trouble? Or probably feeling like your business isn't growing the way you want it to? Financial Healings can help you increase your prosperity energy and unblock any situations to bring in more financial & material abundance

Crystal Beauty Bar

The root cause to excessive weight gain, thinning of hair and other body issues mainly lie in the emotions. Once the emotions are healed, it allows for your beauty to radiate through your being. Experience Body Sculpting, Face lifts and Breast Reduction or Augmentation with energy healing - without needles, pills or anesthesia 

Emotional Healing

If you are dealing with depression, anxiety, grief or even lack of motivation , energy healings are super helpful in helping you heal from the emotions while restoring you to your natural state of being joyful, peaceful, motivated and in love with life !

Physical Healing

These healing sessions are suitable for chronic ailments such as cancer, tumors, arthritis, diabetes, hormonal imbalances, multiple sclerosis and other such ailments. It can be used to treat fever, cold, burns and other minor conditions as well. 

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